The Impossible Dream

I'm not yet sure what I am going to write here tonight. I start with a feeling that it's time to make a journal entry, and then I just let something bubble to the surface. In my mind I just heard the lyric "To dream the impossible dream," so that's where I'll begin. Now, let me let the rest bubble to the surface...

Ah, yes. Why is this dream so impossible? It is impossible because everyone is searching for a resolution to what they have been dreaming. Everyone wants their dream to wrap up in a nice neat package, so that if and when they have a moment when they are conscious that they are coming to the end of the dream, they can say "That is the way it was supposed to be." How many people do you think get this luxury to, first of all, be aware that they are coming to the end of their journey of the dream, and secondly, to feel satisfied with what they have accomplished? Not many. Many, many people leave the commonality of our collective dream, and assess what they could have done differently and, perhaps more importantly, what other people could have done differently within their dream. They are not aware that everything is perfectly as it should have been, even if they were not able to create one single thing within their makeshift reality.

Each person is capable of making this assessment, if they are so willing. Each person can make a conscious effort to recognize that they are dreaming (which is to say that this reality is a manifestation of consciousness) and that within their dream they can create a certain reality - that they are capable of making a permanent assessment that this is a perfect dream. Now, what would back up this decision if there isn't any evidence to help one to perceive this dream as perfect? If one is able to assess that there is nothing permanent within the dream, and that because of this they are free to leave the dream - to awaken to what is their permanent reality - then one can determine that this is the perfect dream. If one had made a determination as to what would make this dream perfect - a bigger house, their picture on the cover of a magazine, or some other subjective determination of perfection - then it is quite certain that one would always find their dream to be lacking.

Why is this? It is quite interesting to determine that in every instant people are searching for all they can be. Most want to witness this in some type of physical manifestation, while others are certain that the best form of what they can be comes from the tranquility of inner peace. In either situation, people are still determining what more they can be when they achieve a state of perfection. If perfection is a quest within our dream, then surely the one who is having the dream is aware of what is perfect. If one can determine that they are an aspect of the dream, then surely one can determine that they are also the dreamer who is aware of what is perfect. If one can then determine that they are the one who knows what is perfect but they are lost within a dream of their reality, then one can determine that they are conscious within what they dream and are free to make this dream perfect, just to allow the dream to end.

So what does this mean? It just means that if you can determine that your reality is perfect, no matter what is within your perception - no matter what you can perceive with any of your senses - you are free. You are free to make this determination while you are lost within the dream - while you are lost within your reality - because you are perfect. You are from the most perfect aspect of your being. Just because you are lost in this reality does not mean that you are not perfect - it just means that you are dreaming. If you can become acquainted with your reality that is most perfect - that is all that anything or anyone can be - then you can become acquainted with the perfection of the dream. This reality, this dream, is perfect to get you acquainted with all you can be. At every moment this dream is ripe for awakening. Every moment you are faced with strife can be deemed to be perfect because it can force you to stretch and reach for your higher reality that you are perfect. Each and every moment that is deemed to be peaceful can make you aware that you are in this reality to be peace, and thus are here to represent your truest reality of ever-present peace. Either way, whether you are fond of your reality within this dream or you find it distasteful, you are free to assess each moment as perfect; then the dream is not so impossible. But if you are searching for perfection within the physical circumstances of your dream, you will never be peaceful.

Nothing physical, which is to say, nothing impermanent, can be peaceful. You will always fear the reality of that which is impermanent fading away. If you are aware that you are nothing peaceful when you are afraid of being impermanent, then you can search for where you are ever-peaceful - where you are permanent. So where do we begin to find such a gem of this new reality? Take a moment and look within where you are permanent. Make this your new best friend. One cannot describe what happens in meditation to one who has not tried it, but something permanent begins to happen in your perception of this reality. It becomes impermanent. On some level, everyone knows that they are impermanent, but this is not peaceful to know this, and so they don't spend a lot of time on its contemplation. But if you spend a lot of time focusing on where it is permanent within, and you become familiar with this sense that a part of you is permanent even if you cannot give it a physical description, this becomes peaceful. You begin to celebrate your impermanence in waves. In one meeting with where you are peaceful, you will be grateful for all that is impermanent because it reminds you of where you are permanent. In the next moment, it becomes terrifying to be impermanent. Eventually, you will settle on impermanence being peaceful because the terror of it has become impermanent.

Life is peaceful when you strive for impermanence while you accept where you are truly permanent. In fact, life becomes more permanent because you discover where you are peaceful and permanent, and you carry it into this life of impermanence. You begin to reflect where you are permanent and graceful into this dream of impermanence, and you begin to challenge yourself less to find this grace in something impermanent. Suddenly, you are grateful for what becomes impermanent because it means you are aware of where you are permanent, and so you enjoy your time where you are impermanent. Life becomes more colourful and flavourful as you allow your senses to indulge their Creator, because you know this will only happen for a short time. There is nothing of the senses that could take the place of the beauty of where you are permanent, but for a short time this dream will sparkle and shine when you give yourself full permission to relax and enjoy where it is impermanent.

I could go on, but this dream is impossible to describe from one who is lost in its imagination. Let me just say that meditation is fruitful - it helps one to decide where they are impermanent and where they are lost in a dream that is impossible. It allows one to describe this dream as impermanent, which lets it return to being peaceful. From impossible to peaceful, does it get more impermanent?


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