There is no Shame in Feeling Overwhelmed

Sometimes, I must just accept that I feel overwhelmed and
that I cannot change it, in and of my self. I hope that something or
someone else will come along to change this unbearable emotion of feeling
overwhelmed, but unless I accept its presence without judgment, that emotion
of feeling overwhelmed will become locked-in, and I will not feel safe.
I can change the feeling of being
overwhelmed by accepting its presence and then looking toward my Higher Self once
it feels like nothing else that is overwhelming is set to come. Accepting this overwhelming feeling allows me to just make it something to witness from my Higher Self. When I prefer the Higher Self to be my witness, where I feel overwhelmed will just
feel blessed. My Lower Self won't reason that it once felt overwhelmed and then I asked
my Higher Self to step in; it just won't feel as overwhelmed as it once did. In other words, it simply fades away.
The sense or feeling that we are overwhelmed is nobody
else's business, and I would suggest that you not feel shamed by someone's lack
of understanding of what caused you to feel that way. You, in your presence of being a
human being, experience being overwhelmed almost every day, and until you
perceive the peak of it, you accept it as normal and don't try to reason with
it in any way. So, why should you feel like you need to understand the feeling
of being overwhelmed just because someone else states that you have no reason to feel
so overwhelmed in any given situation? Feeling like you need to explain or justify why you are feeling overwhelmed, though you just cannot explain it to yourself, is what causes you to feel shame. You do not need to explain it,
especially to yourself. To be human is to be overwhelmed, as it means that there is some sense of separation from our sense of being whole - a part of the Oneness of the Source from which we all came.
Now, again, and I will always say this, there are varying
degrees of psychological situations that would benefit from a professional
assessment. These things that I pass on are not psychiatric or psychological
treatment in any way, nor are intended to replace it, and you should always
seek professional counsel or medical treatment when being overwhelmed is something more than a
passing or fleeting feeling. But, in my own experience, such as I had the
other day when I was feeling very overwhelmed before, during, and after a brief
course I took on mental health first aid for essential workers during a
pandemic, it wasn't until later when I reached for my Higher Self to bring a
message through for someone else's benefit, that I felt any relief from this
Normally, I would say that you never reach for your Higher
Self as a remedy or a form of escape from what your Lower Self would
experience, but that is just what I did! I asked a friend if I could use
her as a way to bring through a message from spirit about our current situation
(it’s often easier than trying to bring a message through for myself.)
The perspective that came from my Higher Self helped me to cope. In fact,
I just felt my spirit lift, and any psychological trauma I was experiencing in
the moment just started to fade and then completely went away by the next morning.
Having that feeling of being overwhelmed lift, served as a
reminder to me of everything I pass on from my Higher to Lower Self - everything I have
been taught from it - which is that to serve as the Higher Self's ambassador for someone
else's benefit, is the only way to truly emanate and incorporate the highest
consciousness there is, into my own Lower Self. And, if we are truly being altruistic about
helping someone else to perceive the benefit of the emanation of some higher
form of communication, then we can't help but benefit as well because we have
put ourselves in alignment with the Higher Self and the Oneness.
Again, and again, I will say that psychological trauma is
not something I would ever suggest you try to remedy by reaching for your Higher
Self. The Higher Self or the Oneness is
not to be looked at as a remedy. And, it’s
important to mention here, that often times when you are in the perspective of
your Higher Self, you will often be guided to the remedy required for your Lower
Self and its suffering, so then how could we suggest that any remedies of the
practical corporeal world (such as mental healthcare) are anything but the Higher Self or the Oneness, anyway? However, as I said, we must not access the Higher
Self as any type of remedy, except maybe for where we focus on this lower consciousness.
The Lower Self feels like it deserves the shame it has come
to experience about its own lack of coping in this lower domain. It tells
itself that it does not act like everyone else who is seemingly not as overwhelmed in this situation, and so it does not deserve a remedy to its suffering. Tho we don't access the Higher Self as a remedy to where we suffer, it does then passively become the Lower Self’s remedy by not listening to what it says in order to fill you with shame. The Higher Self merely suggests that everything is perfect
and is already in absolute Oneness, because it – you – could not perceive it
any other way.
So, refuse to feel shame about how you suffer or feel overwhelmed
in this lower consciousness, and then just use that awareness of either the
shame or that sense of being overwhelmed, to remind you that, while you do not
do this as a remedy, you have simply forgotten to remember your Higher Self today
and you would prefer to be one with its consciousness on behalf of everyone
else, than to stay aware of whatever emotion is going on in your lower consciousness. You could also remind yourself to focus on
your Higher Self where you are the Oneness by being aware of the emotions that
are associated with sheer beauty in your lower consciousness, but most people
only consider recognizing their Higher Self when they suffer.
It’s up to you, of course, but I would most certainly prefer
my Higher Self and the sense of the Oneness that comes along with it, instead
of staying ashamed of how overwhelmed I am.
It takes some effort, simply because it is a choice and I must want
to choose to connect with this higher consciousness rather than to seek a
remedy or explanation for why I suffer in my lower consciousness. You must
assess that what makes you perfect is just your willingness to choose where you
are safe in the Oneness of your own consciousness as your Higher Self, and to
be someone else’s reminder to do the same.
So – prepare to remain unconscious if you do not want this,
but never feel shame for not choosing this over feeling overwhelmed. Some day, when you are less overwhelmed, and
you have come to feel like you can process your Higher Self, you can come and
join us in the Oneness. You won’t miss a
thing – it’s always all present – no time and space – nothing else to overwhelm
our Lower Self or its consciousness – and you will just resonate and emanate as
if you never became or focused on your Lower Self and its innate sense of being overwhelmed and ashamed of itself for same. And then, after you reach for where you are
the Higher Self in the Oneness, when you are ready, you go on with your day.
And yet, so complex.
There is no shame in not understanding any of this. And so, I am always open for questions.
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