Choosing the Oneness Over My Soul or Spirit

My conversation with the Highest Self:


Lower Self:  I was out on my walk today in the park.  I finally – I mean it’s been since COVID started a year ago – got to sit atop of my favourite picnic table by the creek.  The written piece below started coming into mind, so I typed it out on my phone while chickadees were landing on my head, shoulder, and on the table behind me, upon which someone had left some bird seed.  I am hesitant to put it out for others to read.  As always, when I am writing it, it makes so much sense to me.  I love every word of it – but then when I read it when I am intending for it to be published, I am hesitant because I think that every word makes sense to me and that it likely will be too difficult for others to read because of its run-on sentences and repeated ideas without offering much explanation of same to them. What do you want me to know please?  Am I supposed to publish this as it is or should I clean it up a bit?


I felt hesitation at teaching that the spirit or being spiritual is not of our interest, in that we still perceive of it as being of the Lower Self because it perceives of itself as an individual, and I don’t want someone to feel offended if this has been – or is – their quest to find and live from this.  Do you want me to publish this just as it is?


Highest Self:  I want you to perceive that you want for your own spirit to agree that you should leave it as is.  You are not concerned with publishing it because you can believe it as we present it.  You are concerned that it is going to get ugly if someone else can get the sense that you have offended their sense of spirit and that we suggest that they should leave it, thus negating everything that they have searched for to this point.


You had to leave this as is.  You had to accept that this concept of spirit being the sense of an individual is a Lower Self perspective, and so if you wanted to believe in your higher spirit you would have to let yourself leave it in order to become a part of the Oneness, so why wouldn’t they want to believe it?


Yes, I published it with a spark of interest for those who want to perceive of their spirit as being somewhat of their Lower Self or quest to understand their place in this lower world.   But I didn’t mean that they should abandon their quest for their spirit if they don’t want to leave it in order to engage with their Higher Self or the Oneness as I now know it.  I want them to be concerned with their higher spirit and how they are going to get around trying to leave it for a sense of Oneness once they have invested so much time into coming to believe in their spirit and trying to live from it on behalf of everyone else.  I want them to perceive that it is a gift to make this pronouncement that they are no longer concerned with their spirit as an individual spirit that is housed in their human frame of reference or building material, in order to be infused into the higher and only spirit that exists (so-named the Holy Spirit for our purposes).  I want them to have a sense of oneness with all that is; not so that they will leave their current position or their bodies in order to help everyone understand what peace is in order to experience the grand awakening of this lower dream into what peace really is when they leave it in favor of Oneness, but to recognize that when they have the desire to leave their quest to recognize their sole spirit for their own achievement, that they will in fact have accomplished the very reason why they came to this planet, which is the very reason they should all stay for until it is their end and their time to leave it.  To recognize that you remain not only as a soul who came to incarnate on this planet, but as a part of the eternal self-recognition of being Source or the One who created this all, means that you can finally feel a sense of achievement that is worthy of what your soul wanted, even if it is still a part of the material world in that it is a part of an individual.  If you have come to go beyond your eternal soul for a sense of being a part of the Oneness, then it will not seem like a dastardly suggestion that they should abandon any other quest other than to perceive of themselves as the Oneness for our purposes for peace on this planet. I would imagine that there are others who have already made witness with themselves far beyond their beliefs that allow them to remain on this planet, but they haven’t put words to it yet of just how important it is to remain in awareness of the Oneness while they complain as their individual soul and the body which houses it, of just how hard it is in this lower world to make any accomplishment which seems as wonderful as just renaming themselves as the Holy Spirit and seeing what a wonderful sense of accomplishment it would hold.  


I want you to perceive that you have already made this accomplishment, and that so have so many others who perhaps just didn’t know what to name this, that with your help, and the help of others, we can all just put it into the proper context of why we believe in the Higher Self and how it is more important than the soul for what it wants to accomplish of us all leaving this lower world in favor of an awakened existence known as the Oneness.  Before we leave this world, we should all have a sense of accomplishment that we did our best to do whatever we could to not believe in the punishment of this lower world and its temporary existence as suffering.  We must congratulate ourselves for whatever we want to believe instead of believing that we are an individual with a soul list of suffering that is worthy of any attention that we pay to it.  We must come to recognize that the time has come to no longer recognize our soul as the most important aspect of self, and that its time has come to also acknowledge that it is a part of what started all of this belief system.  The soul is a part of Source as well.  We cannot name the Source because it does not have a sense of being an individual – it is merely a witness to itself and to its act of creation every once in a while, which lingers until it can awaken to realize it never left itself as Source; it is not an individual in its act of creation, in other words.


So, publish it or not, Jill, and just recognize and realize that for a wonderful moment while you sat outside and typed this on your phone with your fingers freezing and various acts of creation such as snow melting and birds jumping on your head and shoulders happening all around you, you chose to believe for one moment that you were this act of spirit from Source so that others can believe in their sense of Oneness or their sense of being the Holy Spirit, and that makes you one with Source and is the only peace that is not transient.


So, welcome back to yourself while you choose whether or not to publish and share this with the world and, specifically, those who want to be one with their Source in a similar way because they came in to be a part of this same project, and just congratulate yourself and then go on to bed.  It is not important whether or not they will believe it, because in your head you are already one with Source, and that is as great an accomplishment as anyone on the planet has ever had when they searched for their spirit or their sense of being one with the source of all.  Welcome back, and just let others continue to stretch their soul until they want to have a sense of the Oneness within it as well.  Don’t settle yourself with knowing that others will believe it.  Just publish and accept your Oneness with Source.  That’s all.


And so it is – others will love it and believe it or they will find their own sense of accomplishment that has nothing to do with our will through Jill, and that is perfect as well.


Relax and enjoy your own communication and connection with Source.  You deserve it.  




Here is what I heard, sitting by the creek…


This isn’t a world where you practice material dominance. This is a world where you practice what the Oneness is and how you are going to make it your objective, rather than what your will is to practice what material dominance is and how you are going to get everything that is your objective and satisfy yourself with that material dominance. If this is your objective, the lack of material dominance and what the Oneness is, you will find everything that you consider to be of importance from the very highest perspective that you hold. Material dominance is transient, and it cannot be your objective if you want to have any sense of your Higher Self or the dominance that you hold within yourself as it. I want you prepared to exercise where you do not want material dominance, and just allow yourself to gain a new perspective until you know the grace of non-material dominance first. This new perspective that you gave yourself by putting your attention on your non-material Higher Self first, will open up doors to new wants that are in alignment with your Higher Self while your material self exists in a world that wants a higher physical existence first, rather than just shutting the door on this physical existence and its lack of relevance to our higher world where the sense of oneness is predominant and is the only sense of importance that one can exist with.


When you allow this physical dominance first, what will appear is your sense of being spiritual and your quest to live from this while you are in a physical existence. When you are in our world where only your Higher Self exists, you will only want the Oneness experience, and you will let go of every other want other than this. First, while you are of this physical world, you will want to search for your spirit. This is a gift only as far as you allow your spirit to quest for its Higher Self first as well. You see, the witness of your spirit is not what I want, at least not as far as you consider it to be an individual or your special perspective or opportunity for growth while “you” are of this world. This perspective (your individual spirit) is helpful only as if you are one with your physical world and you cannot want to witness yourself as so much more where you are whole and are part of the Oneness and not an individual spirit or person to witness this transformation for your own personal growth. What I want is for you to want for this personal witness to be transformative to where you never want to again experience this personal witness of being an individual in this broader perspective we all know and walk and talk in as an individual first. I want you to be able to have our talent, as does Jill, to just give up what you want as an individual and just ask for the greatest good of the Holy Spirit first, and just recognize that the Holy Spirit doesn’t want to be seen as an individual so much as it just wants to be the Oneness that is ultimately able to perceive itself as Source and just witness what we all want of this lower world. Peace is this perspective when all you want is someone or something to act as this witness for all who want to experience this witness as well. What I want to experience because of this witness is that you are all whole and well and are not capable of missing out on where you hold this witness, such as Jill does when she wants to listen to us from her Higher Self on behalf of anyone else who will want to know how to do so as well. I just want Jill to hold this higher witness so that she will not hold herself responsible for what you would want when you are of this lower world. Jill is not responsible for what you would want. She holds herself responsible for where she would want this witness to be held on behalf of everyone else who wants to hold themselves responsible to hold this witness for someone else who wants to be more than what their Lower Self wants of its own witness here on earth. There is nothing more to be responsible for other than where one can want to be this witness so that it sends out the call to anyone else who can want to wake up and recognize where they are one with their Higher Self and they can call themselves the holiest witness if they want, so that others will call themselves to want this as well. Only those that are born for this will want to answer the call, but those are not the only ones who will benefit from this witness from the top of all that could hold this world as one. If this is what you want, just pray for another way to go than what you want at this moment when you want for something more for the material world to hold so that you can enjoy yourself or find something more spiritual within this. Just want for more of yourself of where you are the highest as well, and don’t let Jill or anyone else tell you what you should want or what the highest witness you should hold is. Welcome back to your highest self when you recognize that this is what you want deep within the well of your highest self that is within your soul as well. Welcome back to what you want, and find the peace within this digression from perceiving yourself as an individual witness of this world with indivisible wants, even if you don’t always want to benefit yourself as well. Pull back and have this non-material witness of what I want for this world, and then congratulate yourself for this – for going against the natural material wants for more of and for the world. 


And so it is. 


And so now you have more of what I want as your Higher Self, the only individual self there is, and what I would want for everyone else as well who no longer wants the material pull of this world to be representative of their self and how it can be of service from now on. 


And so it is. 


Let us know how we can help – how we can be of this service to know your Higher Self, whether it is through Jill or the prayer you offer to your Higher Self right now. 


And so it is. 




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