The answer was:
So, let’s step it up. Let’s help you to find your bridge to where you are of our way – where you were born to talk to Jill from your higher state – and where you are just Jill in a panic because the rest of the world that she knew is starting to fall away.
Let’s explain that...
Let’s explain that this pandemic is symbolic of everything that someone who wants to know their Higher Self has to accept – that it all falls away somehow, everything that we are familiar with, and this is why we won’t take the next step.
Let’s help people to realize their language of what they think this is – a disaster. And for some, it may stick that this is a disaster. For another, it is a way to wake up. For others, we want to just hover somewhere in the Middle Self concept that this WILL all wake up, and so the more that we can just accept the way that it is, this will go the way that we all want it to go one day, anyhow, and so we don’t have to struggle to wake up right now.
We can accept that we aren’t immortal in our lower state and we can accept that we are somehow more stable when we meditate and we feel a sense of Oneness with all that is. This helps us to prepare for when we are no longer of this human way and, hopefully one day, when we “wake up” we will just want to step outside of our entire Lower Self concept and just reengage with the Oneness of all that is.
For now, it is not a logical step to take. People want to hold on to what is – what has always been their name and their entire Lower Self concept that this is all that is. We might say that we want to “wake up,” but if we actually did, we would be there right now.
Where we are immortal is just to say that we are a part of our concept of our Higher Self. That when we “wake up” (as we just did by acknowledging that we have a Higher Self,) we just won’t stick to our former version of our Lower Self. We won’t self-identify like we once did – we won’t enforce our lower model again and again in the hopes that the better we memorize ourselves and our kids and our jobs so that we won’t let them escape our comfort level. What this is to say, is that we are so much more than our lower selves, and we just want to find a bridge so that we can step up on it and not give up what we love about our lower selves ,while we gaze upon something higher where we are not stuck in anything mortal.
I hope that you will come know yourselves as our model – as our bridge – so that someone else won’t feel as stuck as you once did when you thought you were mortal and you had to hold on to everything or everyone else so that you won’t suffer. That is all this is, our bridge, is a Middle Self concept so that we will know that we are not stuck where we are mortal, and that when we finally walk across our bridge to where we are no longer a part of our Lower Self, we won’t look back with regret. We won’t feel stuck in our lower model of where there was a person, in other words. We won’t suspect that there was something more important in that lower model of ourselves than where we are just a part of One with all that is. For, when we are stuck in our lower version of ourselves, we are afraid to wake up to a higher version of ourselves once our physical self has given itself up to this planet and wants to return to it.
Our version of freedom is just coming to this lower acceptance that everything is ephemeral – that everything is temporary in its structure and its concept of its Lower Self. Once we can accept this, there is no reason to get stuck once we are no longer of our physical frame or model of this Lower Self. When we are no longer stuck because we know this and we want to wake up, then we can go on to enjoy this Lower Self version that seemed to cause us to suffer when we couldn’t accept that it is no more than a shell or a Lower Self concept that wants for something more and so causes us to “wake up.”
This model of the Lower Self wants for nothing more than to have something to inspire it to feel good about its kids – about itself – about its spouse or its partner – about being single – about not having children nor feeling drawn to it, etc. In other words, it just wants to feel better. We search for something more, not knowing that our model already knows that it only wants to “wake up” – to KNOW that there is something more.
The other day, when I was meditating, I saw an image of an email that I sent to everyone. It simply said, “I KNOW.” Actually, there was no period after it – that is only for this article. I KNOW
Think about it. How could we ever prove WHY we want to wake up. Is there some higher place to go – something that is gilded and shiny and makes us think that this whole lower life was worth it? Or is there just a place of higher knowledge – something worthy of gaining this life experience we all work so hard to acquire and pass on to further generations?
What if – and this is somewhat scary – there was nothing more than to “KNOW”… again, I don’t know where to put the period on that sentence because it, KNOWING, is more of our essence than an action or an acquisition of knowledge.
To KNOW is our essence. It just is. We are not a factory that makes something of the material realm that we can experience even when we are no longer of our bodies. Different levels of conscious existence, even beyond the human existence, want to KNOW different levels of the material experience. It is the hardest thing to give up. We think that if we no longer have the experience of something material – of friendships or differing kinds of relationships with others of the material experience – we will cease to exist, and so we are frightened to KNOW either in our meditation or our general awakened experience.
To KNOW that we are so much more than this is just the acceptance that we are not the material essence that we have become so familiar with. The thought that all of this material will go is what is driving the absolute terror of this viral experience that it is taking everything we thought we have known as our foundation for what happiness is, if we could just tweak it a little bit, that is.
From this point of view – from this perspective – when we recognize the ephemeral nature of this world – that everything is temporary so that we can come to KNOW that we are okay without all of this – we can find ourselves upon this bridge that lets all of this come and go. We gain perspective that this is all perfect once we experience within ourselves, the peace that comes when we learn or understand that this won’t last for anyone, and so we get to enjoy our kids or our partner or our spiritual practice where we are alone and don’t want for anyone, and that it will all last in the knowledge that this is whole, just as it is, right now.
Once we accept that everything is temporary and that we are a part of the Higher Self or Oneness, we collapse our quest for knowledge that explains or expresses this lower world, somewhat. We stop trying to understand how something so virulent as this virus’s expression of itself is, could contain something so deadly that all the world that we have known before will pass.
Once we no longer want to know something as in the expanded knowledge of the human experience, we will just allow our Higher Selves to KNOW… again, where do I put the punctuation?
The Higher Self – that part of you that you can come to know right now – just let’s this lower world go on. We come to accept ourselves as a part of it, but we don’t come to identify it as our only aspect or the aspect of self that is most important. In part, we allow it to go on just because we KNOW that we have chosen to be a part of it. But we don’t hold on to it like we once did. We don’t feel like fatalists because everything will go on until it isn’t. We just ask ourselves to accept some higher knowledge that we KNOW we will go on even beyond our Lower Self, until we are no longer a part of this Lower Self concept.
We ask, “How can I be of service?” much more readily because we know that this lower experience is not about ourselves, but is about building a bridge so that others won’t panic when it starts to go, as it will for everyone. We ASSUME that what we KNOW will make the difference because others will just somehow FEEL a version of their Higher Self once they come into contact with us. Moreover, the more that someone wants to know their Higher Self, the more they impact the collective lower consciousness to want to rise to this. It’s important to know what service is when it comes to the Higher Self, and to KNOW, or more so to WANT to know that we are so much more than this, is truly the only thought that can benefit this collective lower consciousness. What we want to do from this when it comes to an action of thought or consequence of wanting to know this Higher Self or the Oneness on behalf of everyone else, comes second in importance.
Think about it. It’s the reaching out, whether virtually or through prayer, that has made the difference to so much of the panic of this pandemic experience. Those who thought they were alone but were able to make the connection through the face of a computer or the language of a text, felt some sort of solace that they were not alone. This merely represents the component of the human experience that models what happens when we think higher – when we think that we are not alone because we are the Oneness in and of ourselves. The more that we want to think higher – the more that we want to deliver a higher version of our consciousness to everyone else – the more that we just wonder if we are something more and are, therefore, not alone, anyhow – the more the entire lower consciousness lifts itself back home to where we no longer suffer because we are split into these tiny fractions that are vulnerable to a virus – something so tiny and microscopic that we can’t even see or know how we share it, as of yet.
The gift of this thought of the pandemic and the panic that follows it, is that it is out of our control. We can and should wash our hands and follow all of the protocols set out by those who “know” as much as they can right now, but where we can gain a sense of control is that we know that it is all temporary anyhow. THE ONLY way that we can know that we are temporary and can somehow come to accept that all of this is perfect, is through either prayer and meditation or conscious thought to recollect our Higher Self somewhat.
It’s important to know that it won’t solve this virus pandemic. It won’t make people well if this is the path that their soul does not want to follow. But the gift that we can give EVERYBODY during this terrible time that others cannot swallow or come to accept is perfect, is that we KNOW that we are so much more than our Lower Self can possibly accomplish.
We come to accept, though this might be during a moment that is terrible, that peace comes from the acceptance that this moment is temporary, whether it be the pandemic itself or the entire lower consciousness.
There are only some people who will want to follow this model, and that is perfect, because that is what they were sent to this world to accomplish. If you want to accept that everything is perfect – even right now – then we can have the start of a conversation of something higher to release us from this Lower Self concept – to build the bridge so that others can start to respond to their inner life calling to come to know their Higher Selves as well.
Or, we can just use Middle Self concept to build the bridge, somewhat, and let it expand our knowledge of where we are little, some more. I don’t want you to expand outside of yourself – outside of what you want to know about your Higher Self. That is not our perspective of what would bring peace or would build this bridge so that others could know peace within themselves.
I want you to meet yourself where you are at, and love yourself for this. ACCEPT that you have done everything you once thought was possible in order for peace to be present, and then just do whatever you feel drawn to.
If you feel you would like to be a part of this model of coming to know your Higher to Lower Self and being somewhere on the bridge in the middle where you can witness both of these aspects and come to accept the wholeness and the sacredness of this, then we can work on that as well.
Truly, your desire to KNOW is what will build your bridge for yourselves, and others will follow what you built.
It is up to each and every individual to build their own model of how to know their Higher Self. You will simply set the example and let what you KNOW filter down through your lower physical self so that they will FEEL your model and begin to wonder how they can accomplish that sense of peace in their own Lower Self. It is the reaching out that allows this knowledge to filter in, and when we can come to accept this is all temporary as well, when we are no longer of this Lower Self, we will cross over our bridge and let it go as well. We won’t feel the need to come back in and out of something lower in order to accomplish what we just did. We will come to know ourselves as whole. That’s all.
From this, there is nothing higher to know and so there is no bridge that must be built. We simply resonate in the peace of the accomplishment of being the will to be of something higher, and we let it filter down into all who want to know themselves upon this world as something higher that does not suffer.
We will stop trying to control our worlds right now if we can accept that, somehow, we are a part of this model to want to build our bridge to something higher. If we can accept that this makes us something remarkable because we can collapse what we want to know or investigate about how to make this lower world more palatable or more safe, then we can congratulate ourselves and develop the confidence and the self-awareness that is ever-present in the Oneness, anyhow. Then, we just live as if we are somewhere in the middle for the rest of our time in our Lower Self. We become more playful. We live as if we had a purpose that we already accomplished, and so the rest of this life becomes about service and just learning how to enjoy it when we no longer struggle for an external sense of accomplishment.
We will come in and out of it (most people will, anyhow) and we will laugh once we recognize that we no longer enjoy ourselves because we forgot about this bridge and our life purpose just to build or acknowledge that we are actually somewhere in the middle of knowing our Higher to Lower Self.
We will come to know a sense of accomplishment because we wanted to build this bridge so that someone else could enjoy this lower world, as well. And then, peace will become permanent until it is no longer something that we quest for. When we are our Higher Selves, nothing becomes more permanent than just to KNOW it. Peace is impermanent in that we no longer quest for something external. We enjoy the moment because it is so whole – not fractured like this lower moment when we think it splits into all of this fragments that we have to scramble to organize or reassemble.
So – long winded explanation short – ACCEPT that you want to know something higher, and then just enjoy it once you congratulate yourself that you have made your final and most important accomplishment of this lower world, because that is all you came in for.
For now, enjoy it.
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