Permanent Peace

If we want to feel peace, the best way to do so is to build a bridge to peace on behalf of someone else in need.

The moment that I ask for my Higher Self in order that someone else can feel peace because of me, I have built a bridge of peace. And, there is no other source of consciousness that I need to go in to for an in-depth explanation of peace.

Peace is something within me. It doesn’t disappear because of a time of stress. It doesn’t disappear in a time of need. Experiencing peace depends on where I put my focus when there is a time of need for peace. I am the equivalent of peace when I make my focus finding the peace in me for someone else in their time of need. I start to produce a gentle emanation of a vibration that could best be described as peace, the moment that I choose to put my focus on finding peace (or that sense of wholeness) within myself for someone else to enhance their awareness of their own presence of peace, which is an innate installment in each and every human being.

It is like there is an automatic self-generator-of-peace within us that we can sense once we lose our focus on our human being or our set of personal circumstances, and we feel the need to enhance our focus on our need for peace for our fellow human and sentient beings instead.

The moment that I lose focus on this peace-generator within me, I stop producing the highest part of myself that had become my witness and the benefit I received of this grace. In other words, if I stop producing peace for the benefit of other people, I do not get to perceive of it emanating from me, and I don’t get to perceive of my Higher Self. Then, I lose focus on the self-concept that I am already peace and have nothing more that I need in external circumstances in order to fulfill my need for a sense of calmness or wellness, or anything else that I assume is peace in the exterior.

Once I fulfill my sense of the peace within me because of my selfless need to fulfill the experience of peace for my neighbor, I will experience a sense of calmness within myself. Peace and the experience of feeling calm is innate within me if my focus of why I have come to exist in the first place, is to build a bridge of peace for others to experience within themselves. There are some people who have incarnated in order to build a great exterior world. This is their focus and, ultimately, will lead to a dissatisfaction which will lead them to discover that their sense of peace is only an interior experience. So, really, it is all the same learning experience on how to generate peace anyway; it is just a different route that some will take.

But for some others like me, our sole purpose (soul purpose, if you will) is to forego the will or desire to generate peace on an exterior basis for our own personal experience, and to just follow the will to generate peace for the whole – the entire exterior world and all of its inhabitants.

This isn’t as complicated as it sounds. And, it certainly doesn’t mean that those who are sent to focus on the interior, innate experience of peace are somehow more of the experience of grace in that they are complete and they get to witness it every day. In fact, it is quite the opposite. Those who were sent to this ground in order to build an exterior experience of peace so that others will want to witness it within their own interior experience, will often suffer greatly. It is an expense that those who are sent to be a witness of peace must pay, simply because nothing on this ground level of existence they have chosen to come to, reminds them of peace.

As agents of peace, we do so, willingly, I must say; and so, it is not like we suffer eternally. We feel this grace of peace each and every time that we willingly put our focus on this peace in our center so that someone else feels within themselves the only place where peace can permanently remain. In the exterior frame where we exist, peace can be experienced, but it is only temporary. This temporary experience of peace can best serve as a reminder for us to search for this experience of peace on a permanent basis. This determination to find the base of peace that is permanent, can only lead to an internal excavation of the experience of peace. So, again, the suffering of this external quest for peace is only temporary, and so, it is a small price to pay for an agent of peace (one who was sent to build peace as an experience for others.)

That being said, it does not make coping with this external reality – especially in these moments of crisis – any easier, EXCEPT for when we consciously quest for that internal experience of peace for others. That is the only way that those of us who are built to be of service in this way, can come to accept ourselves as perfect.

I hope you will wonder if you are built (or sent or have chosen to come or incarnate) in order to give others this experience of peace that they will come to assess can only be FELT when they are near others who quest for this internal state of peace that is permanent. And, I hope that if you can say, “Yes, I feel as if I was built for this experience,” that you will congratulate yourself for every time you have ever quested for someone else to feel this peace based on your experience of it within your own self for their benefit.

REMEMBER, we are all just temporary, and one soul cannot rise above another in its quest for its experience of peace. Each route we take is also only temporary. Some of us are just built differently in order to build that experience of peace within our every day reality so that someone else can feel it. And, truly, we do not feel okay if we have not tried to build that experience for someone else’s reality to embrace their own experience of peace internally. I hope you will congratulate yourself because this is the only way that you will lock-in the awareness that you have completed your life purpose. Self-congratulating is the only way that your Lower Self can feel a part of your experiment in this lower exterior world – it is the only way that it can experience the gratitude of your Higher Self – and it is the only way that your Lower Self can want to make your sense of a higher life purpose come to be a part of your normal way. And, thus, it is the only way that you can come to a permanent experience of peace if this is why you were sent to this world – if this is what you are made of, the will to create an external sense of peace for those who are also sent or built for this experience, but forgot how along the way..

Self-congratulating will also build a sense of peace that one can integrate into their external world if this is what they want the rest of this place to experience. The only true act of service is the one where you want to seek for this internal sense of peace. But because you are also of the external experience, you will want some sort of factory in order to produce a physical act of why you were sent to this world in the first place. So, firstly, congratulate yourself for what you want to do in order to build a bridge of peace for those in this place, and then see whatever else you want to build externally, for it will be built with the building blocks of your quest for the experience of peace internally for everyone else.

And so, it is… thanks to yourself for what you want in order to help everyone else to find peace – and then I hope you will find it within yourself with your self-acknowledgment that you were built for this force, simply because this sounded like a good idea, after all – and then go on with whatever you want to build with your external sense of this world. Well done…

Now, back to peace…


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