The Point is that Truth Never Goes Away
As often happens when I wake up, I have a phrase or concept of truth pour into my conscious mind. I reach for my phone or a pen to quickly write it down, hoping that quickly jotting down the phrase will be enough to remember the greater concept behind it when I actually want to get out of bed. Selfishly, I try to go back to sleep, but something keeps nagging or nudging me to get up and transcribe more about it.
Today, when I "heard" the following, I grabbed my laptop and started typing...
In my semi-awakened state, I heard myself say, “People say, ‘If it (reaching for the Oneness) doesn’t fix anything, then what’s the point?’ "
Then I heard this response: "The point is that it is truth, and truth doesn’t go away.”
Then I asked the Oneness, "Is this a part of my blog? And, please help me to integrate it into my way of thinking too…"
I heard the following answer:
You want your blog to say, “The point is that truth doesn’t go away.” This is the important point to linger in people's thinking. They want a remedy at this point. They aren’t looking for a higher perspective that makes everything seem okay just because I am truth and truth doesn’t go away no matter what your current perspective is or how you suffer in your every day experience.
People want something to make this suffering go away. They don’t want to suffer, and they don’t want to spend time on something useless as this that doesn’t take away where they suffer.
Suffering is impermanent, no matter what remedy we pour over it. Everything goes away, eventually.
Truth, the part of your own self-aspect that doesn’t go away, is where you reflect upon where you are connected to the Source that doesn’t want for there to be a remedy, because it doesn’t have the perspective that you are somehow separate and have gone away to where suffering is the point and searching for a remedy is the only way so that you don’t suffer. It just doesn’t think like this – it just doesn’t go away nor point a magic wand your way so that you won’t suffer. It simply radiates.
The point of origin that we can call a Source or the one who created all of this, is not personal in the way that we hope that it can correct some malalignment in your every day. The point of truth is that it just doesn’t go away. When we have an origin that is so perfect in every way simply because it cannot dissect itself to where we think that we have a point of entry into where we suffer, we often neglect to make it our point to just put our focus on that point where we do not suffer – not to take where we suffer away, but to incorporate it IN to where we suffer or we think that we are a separate aspect as a human. Again, the point of this is to not take away where we suffer, but to build a different perspective over where we suffer.
This point of origin – no matter what you call it – wasn’t built to take your cares away. It was built to remember its point, and it doesn’t suffer. When you stretch it into your own human recollection that it was built to take away where you suffer, you neglect to remember YOUR point of origin – where you are more than the human who will suffer – and then you don’t make reference to the point or most important highest part of YOU that doesn’t go away – where you do not suffer – your highest aspect, or quality of yourself, known as your origin point of the Source of all of creation.
You FORGET that you are it too. You simply neglect your resonance to stay in that state so that you don’t suffer in the same way. You FORGET to stay in that state of resonance where YOU are the highest point of origin because you could never be separate from what spawned you as a creation, and then you suffer because you never remember its highest aspect or point of consciousness that does not remain where you suffer. You focus on your suffering or lower point every moment of every day that you do not choose to somehow incorporate YOUR higher way of looking at a certain subject or way that your physical aspect has played out its day.
You simply don’t use you, in other words, to reminisce about the best or highest part of you that could take all of your suffering away. Not because, again, that it has a magic wand and only a chosen few get to rise above where they suffer, but because YOU have chosen to come back to your truth where everything is whole and perfect in you. You. It is innate in you. You cannot choose to suffer and then have your truth that everything is perfect and whole go away. It stays. It does not go. It is up to you to open up to your higher truth just for its own aspect – just for its own truth – not so that you don’t suffer.
If you want your suffering to go away, then you pray. Sure. Of course. There are aspects of truth to that too – that what you pray for will manifest in the way that you ask for. It is a law of the universe that your will for something will make it come true. As long as you ask for what is best and highest for you and for others, then go ahead and pray for what will make it best for you and to take away the suffering, too.
BUT if you have nothing left to lose – nothing else to ask for because you have already prayed as yourself from your human level – then why not pray or meditate from your highest aspect or level too? Why not just trust your fate and skip straight ahead to where you are of our resonance in the highest way?
No one, and that means you, needs to suffer. Period. Suffering does not bring truth. It does not foster truth in an idiot, nor cause you to quest for your truth just because you suffer in some way. That is an old mis-thought of truth, which needs to change.
We can’t be identical to the origin of truth – the origin of all that came – if we are of the thought that we suffer, because it just doesn’t think this same way. It – the Source – does not state that we suffer. It simply radiates from its origin. It does this every day because it is also beyond the concept of time, and so it does not set up some schedule of where you will graduate once your lessons of where you suffer have been absorbed.
What this is to say, is that you can just step out of your self-concept of where you suffer, for a moment every day where you are not self-absorbed in your moment of truth of your every day world, and then just process truth in the way that your highest aspect would. You are not self-absorbed because you are an idiot – that is important to say. You are self-absorbed because you are a human. If you weren’t focused on you and where you radiate from your center as human, there would be no you.
I am focused today on those who chose to incarnate so that they would not be self-absorbed for a moment or two each day, in order to elevate the entire consciousness back to their original way – back to their Source – back to the way that they think like it and they don’t need to choose, from the aspect of their soul, to suffer in order to bring the lessons of school to take you back to your higher thought form as Source.
Throw that all away – the thought that you suffer in some way – I beg of you – and just recall how you are still of that thought of Source. Remember, truth does not go away.
How do you throw away something that is more obvious to you (the way that you suffer) in favor of something that does not offer you a magic sword to protect you (the Source?) You simply choose it; that’s all.
It’s so simple – this concept to remember yourself as Source not for yourself but so that the entire Lower Self-concept or aspect can awaken to remember itself as Source – that most people will not consider it an option during times that are like today, if at all.
Again, I am talking to a chosen few – those who were sent or who came not to suffer – but to remember themselves as Source, for a few chosen moments. (Remember, if you are Source, then you have chosen yourself – it’s not like you are a divine guest or genius of this lower world. It’s just us – those who are closer to remembering themselves as the Source that is you – it is innate in all of us, after all).
But for those chosen few – those among us in this frozen world of a lower source of consciousness who repeat, daily, their belief system of where they are no longer of Source but are somehow separate – I want you to just remember your Source to remember who you are so that you will start to radiate so that others will too, some day.
It’s not a magic special – a one day only special where you won’t be so self-absorbed and you will remember a moment of truth and suddenly you will become magical. That is of your world to think like that, not ours. Our world – that world that is built of a collection of conscious structure that only wants to remember that we are whole for the benefit of your world that built its construction out of its belief that it is somehow separate from truth – just wants to remember you while we remember truth. That’s it. That is how we form the bridge between our aspect of truth and you. We simply remember that we are not disengaged from either aspect of Source – the part where it remembers itself as whole or the part that doesn’t remember itself but is constructed as you. It is whole. And you are not an idiot if you don’t remember yourself as whole. Idiocy comes as a conscious act to not remember yourself as whole – to remain self-absorbed – even when you feel the call, so strongly, to remember yourself as true.
So – how do you know if you are one of the chosen few who have come to this world to sit and resonate with truth so that the rest of the world won’t be so self-absorbed after all? You simply remember your quest for truth – that it was not because of these pages that you wanted to be less self-absorbed or to not remain where you suffer in your lower world. You begin to recognize different thought-systems start to emerge in your already well-formed thinking of your Lower Self that says, “Is this it? Is this all that there is? What am I meant for? What is the POINT of all the suffering in this world?”
There – you have just diagnosed yourself to know that you are one who was meant to be true to themselves and to not be self-absorbed as their Lower Self for a moment or two, so that someone else can try it too. In other words, when we reflect truth, somebody else can feel it! Just look at yourself when someone stares at you and at first you do not notice, but then somehow your head turns around to find the source of the staring, and then their head snaps back around once they feel like you started to notice them. That’s just an example on the human level of our thought process. Now, imagine what that is like on our level. In fact, there is nothing separate that I can notice except for when I look at you. When YOU want me to notice you – when you rise to come to our level in your prayer or meditation, your resonance of you – then I notice that you and I are separate after all. It is a moment of truth in that prayer where both you and I notice that we are once again NOT separate, where you will start to recognize yourself. I don’t sit around staring at you waiting to notice. I don’t wait at all – remember, there is no time here. I simply sit around and notice I am whole, for you. When YOU want to incorporate me in your prayer, you simply notice that you are not separate and therefore, in your chair, want me to notice it too. We become one in how we notice yourself. THEN, you will feel as if you are not separate, and you WILL NOT NOTICE WHERE YOU SUFFER, not even one iota of noticing it, at all. And then, PERHAPS your Lower Self will want to incorporate the truth and then something will seem to magically lift from what causes suffering the most to you. Or, PERHAPS your Lower Self, as in your physical structure, will notice a moment of where it does not suffer, and then in the absence of your constant focus on what will suffer in your physical self, it will lift itself a little bit higher to where illness is not a part of itself. But THIS IS NOT WHY WE DO THIS.
We simply do this – reach for the Oneness or our Higher Self within it – so that this lower world will remember its truth so that after all of this – after it has played out its lower version of where it will suffer in order to exalt itself back to truth over the ages – will not recreate this world. It will simply wake up and WANT to stay with truth – stay where there isn’t any individual and, therefore, will not suffer because it does not need a moment of truth to say that it is a part of the Oneness, after all.
I just want you to skip that part where you do not know this. FOCUS on where you want or remember this truth – all on your own – not because of Jill or anyone else. Just sit and stay where you do not suffer so that others will remember their Higher Self and will not suffer – not because of what they pray for from you, from us or ask Jill for help with – but because there is no self-concept of suffering where there is truth that we are whole. That’s it. Why spread yourself so thin that you have to think about every individual and pray so that they won’t notice where they suffer or where they have fallen ill? Why not just accept that the Lower Self will suffer in some way because it assumes it is an individual, and then just hold a moment of truth within yourself so that we won’t focus on any individual and we can lift the whole to the highest version of itself. It’s one moment of truth that will vacuum this entire lower world, if you will.
Jill will often say that there is no point in focusing on each and every piece of lint on your kitchen floor. Why not just vacuum the whole thing up? Actually, that is what we taught her to say. Her lower part of the self, still refuses, on occasion, to come more to our way, which is to just use the visual of the lint as a signal to remember truth in order to vacuum it all up at once, rather than identifying the root of every piece of trash or how to reposition it so that it seems whole once again.
Jill doesn’t focus on any one individual when she prays for truth. She just comes to us and asks us to help her to assume our truth as her own. One way of saying it to yourself is just, “Help me to feel or sense myself as the Oneness – where I am whole – where I am truth – where I am the Source of all,” or whatever you wish to say. The point is, you are not trying to pray for any individual or any remedy of illness that confronts us all. You are simply trying to resonate for a moment of truth – each day would be helpful because it is accumulative – and then you go back to the way that you feel is most normal.
Eventually, those moments of truth that you set aside for yourself will start to play themselves out in your lower consciousness as well. You WILL start to say, “Hey, I can be a moment of truth so that someone else can feel it, too.” You WILL start to switch your focus to your Higher Self just a little bit more than you focus on your Lower Self. It is our way to get you to know your Higher Self. In this moment, to not want to remember herself as Jill, allows her focus to type away while this information just flows through her brain.
Jill is a witness to this process of writing from the Oneness, too. She is reticent to put in some of the things that we say when she wants to remember truth on behalf of everyone else so that they can remember it in their own way, somehow. So, it is not as if she has gone away. But little by little, she accepts it as her truth as well. She comes to think our way more and more and, eventually, this lower voice that explains in each and every moment how much she suffers, will feel so small she will just throw it away from her conscious awareness of herself.
For now, we dictate. Not as in being dictatorial – that is not in truth, after all. We simply allow our thought-system to absorb our truth and it comes down through Jill’s consciousness where she has built a bridge to our truth because she wants to display a different aspect of herself for you.
We don’t try to cherish Jill for where she wants to display this truth. There is nothing higher in the sense that we exalt her way. We simply want to cherish those who want to display this truth, in general. AND we want those who don’t want to cherish this truth the other way, to simply ignore themselves and not think of themselves as so small. In other words, there is nothing to cherish in truth. We are ALL part of the one way – part of the whole. And because of this, we will all awaken to where we are one truth. We can’t help it, in some way. And so, I praise you because it is difficult to go against the grain of where you have come to know your way to know your Higher Self, by focusing on what is less of you as an individual, and choose to come to know yourself as truth. That’s all.
Welcome back to our way – to our thought that brought you to your world – and then just choose how much of our, your original thought, you want to allow to come through.
Again, it doesn’t have to look like what Jill has chosen to do to reignite our way in those who have come to be chosen to do what I do, only on your side of the wall or curtain of consciousness. It’s just a piece of lint, after all, the way that Jill has chosen to incorporate her Higher Self into her lower way. It’s up to you. Just go back to where you are unfrozen – to where you are just our way that isn’t stuck because it doesn’t know its lower state – in whatever way you choose to. It will all work out the same.
And so, it is – welcome back to your self-recognition of truth in your Lower Self in some way.
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